
An abused child is three times more likely to develop an addiction as an adult

Nearly 3 out of 4 boys and girls between the ages of 2 and 4 According...

Easy ricotta recipes for every occasion

In this article we will introduce you to some delicious and easy-to-make ricotta recipes that are perfect for any occasion.Ricotta, this soft and fresh...

See what you can do with lemon seeds

Store lemon seeds in the freezer for the best breakfast or snack recipe. You won't believe what you can achieve with these little...

This is how the “hinge” on an insect’s wing works

The insects They were the first animals to develop the ability to fly. Their wings...

The first breeding ground for free photography is born

The Tierra Viva agency launches “Minga”, a free photography platform that showcases the life and work of farming families, indigenous communities, agricultural cooperative sectors...

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