
Cassava benefits that many people ignore

Cassava root is a starchy tuberous root that is grown in tropical and subtropical areas. This resemblance to the sweet potato is a...

Skepticism about offshore mining grows

Recently, the International Seabed Authority, the intergovernmental body charged with overseeing deepwater mining in international waters, concluded its recent series of meetings, which took...

Permafrost methane may be lower than expected

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and much of it is trapped in permafrost, that is, permanently frozen ground in regions of arctic and...

Gastroenterologist recommends the best shake for intestinal health

If you want the best shake of your life that will improve your gut health, we have the recipe for you! Today, many...

The key behind the yaks’ high-altitude survival: their lung cells

In cold and oxygen-poor environments, few animals are able to adapt to these harsh conditions without...

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