Saudi Arabia: Risk of job loss, difficulties for foreigners

Riyadh: In Saudi Arabia, under Saudiization, jobs are being given to local citizens instead of migrant workers. An amendment has also been made in this regard.

According to Arab media reports, the Saudiization pay policy has been amended in the fields of pharmacy and dentistry in the country, now the minimum wage scale in both professions has been set at 7,000 riyals.

Saudi Minister of Manpower and Social Welfare Population Engineer Ahmed Suleiman approved amendments to the Saudiization package for pharmacy and dentist professions and issued implementation orders.

The report states that the deadline for implementation of the amended decision is April 11, 2022.

Officials say the decision will be applied to the private sector in the kingdom, with the main aim of encouraging Saudi officials in those areas and providing them with more job opportunities.

Note that the decision will apply to institutions in the field of dentistry where the number of workers is three or more, the dentist will be required to pass a professional examination from the Saudi Specialist Authority.


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