Saudi Arabia: New ban imposed!

Riyadh: The use of mobile phones has been banned in Saudi Arabian schools.

According to Arab media reports, the Saudi Ministry of Education has imposed a complete ban on the use of mobile phones in schools, and instructions have been issued to the administration to implement the order.

In addition, the school administration has been instructed to check the health status of students and their staff on a daily basis by trusting the Nutalim Yahzar (Study with Care) service on the web.

New school students or students transferred from another school or people recovering from the corona virus should be asked to update their health status in the trust system.

Relevant persons can send a print of their health condition to the school administration’s mobile from the Tawakalna app.

The Ministry of Education says the school administration can exempt students whose health conditions require them to carry a mobile phone with them.

In the case mentioned above, the student has to keep his mobile with the school administration.


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