Vidya Balan, the famous Hindi film actress, has currently been staying away from the big screen. But the actress is still very busy on social media. So the name of Vidya becomes part of the spotlight. At present, there is a lot of discussion about the name of Vidya Balan in regards to Instagram Reels. Meanwhile, a latest reel video of Vidya Balan recently surfaced, in which Vidya is seen in the character of Angoori Bhabhi from the famous small screen show ‘Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai’.
On Monday, Vidya Balan shared one last video on her official Instagram account. In this video of Vidya Balan, Vidya can be seen sitting on a chair wrapped in a desi-style sari. Not just this, in this Insta reel, Vidya is seen speaking Angoori Bhabhi’s dialogue from ‘Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hain’. To whom she is telling Vibhuti ji (Aasif Sheikh) that-true Vibhuti ji, why sit there silently, you are sensitizing us anyway.
To this there is an answer in the voice of Vibhuti that the sister-in-law is not sensual. In this, Vidya Balan is seen speaking as Angoori Bhabhi. This video of Vidya Balan is very funny, after watching it you will surely be laughing too. This Vidya Balan video is getting a lot of likes on social media.
TV serial ‘Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai’ (Bhabi Ji Ghar Par Hai) has also commented in this latest video of Vidya Balan that the real Bhabhi ji i.e. TV actress Shubhangi Atre. In her famous Angoori Bhabhi style of hers, Shubhangi wrote Sahi Pakhete Hai in the Vidya video. Along with this, she also liked this video of the B Town actress.