The Yantar. Undoubtedly unfamiliar to the general public, this name is well known internationally. The Yantar is a Russian oceanographic vessel, sighted in French waters on Monday, September 13. A presence anything but insignificant, knowing that this boat is suspected of carrying out espionage missions.
Known for collecting intelligence, it would have, according to the Times, a mini submarine capable of diving to a depth of 6,000m. The Yantar already made headlines in August, when it was spotted off Ireland, in a sensitive area housing, among other things, submarine telecommunications cables.
According to information from The voice of the North, the Russian ship was still in French waters on Tuesday, September 14. In particular, he crisscrossed the west of Boulonnais before sailing off Escalles (Pas-de-Calais), on the Opal Coast, around noon. A little later, at 1:30 p.m., the Yantar was sighted east of Dover.
Its position can be followed in real time on the site Marine Traffic. According to the information available about him, his itinerary should bring him back to Russia on September 20. In the meantime, the boat was escorted out of French waters by a military patroller on alert, in order to be diverted towards the Baltic Sea.