Russia Ukraine: Ukrainian women sending their pictures to the Ukrainian soldiers fighting the war, why this strange method is being adopted to defeat Russia?

Ukraine Women Soldiers Pictures- India TV Hindi News
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Ukraine Women Soldiers Pictures


  • Pictures of Ukrainian women sending soldiers
  • Share on Telegram to boost morale
  • Ukrainian soldiers are fighting a war with Russia

Russia Ukraine: It has been more than 160 days since the ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. The Ukrainian army is fighting bravely to respond to the attack on itself. These soldiers continue to fight bravely in the same way and their morale remains high, for this, women of Ukraine are adopting a strange method. Women are sending their adult photos to soldiers fighting against Putin’s army. For this, a channel has been created on the social media site Telegram, where women are sharing their pictures.

According to the report of Dailystar, 39-year-old psychologist Anna Raimarenko has created this channel on Telegram. Which is named Postcards for Kitten. It has more than 400 subscribers. More than 100 photos are uploaded on it every day. In Ukrainian language, Kitan means soldier. Anna, who lives in the capital Kyiv, says these things will bring back sexiness and love to a country that is torn between war. Anna also told how this idea came to him in the end.

How did this picture idea come about?

He said that one of his army colleagues jokingly told him why girls don’t support soldiers by sending their nude pictures. This will increase their enthusiasm. After hearing this, he got the idea to send this picture. Anna and her friend Daria Pavlovska said that all types of pictures are welcome but no pornographic material will be accepted.

The Ukrainian army is still fighting a war with the Russian army. Russia launched its first attack on Ukraine on 24 February. Since then the war between the two countries continues. On the other hand, a soldier named Tim says about these pictures of girls, ‘This type of channel reminds me of home. Whenever I open this channel, I start dreaming of returning home. Maybe for the one who is waiting for me.’ Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelensky presented awards to Air Force soldiers on Ukraine Day.

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ships were allowed out

At the same time, the latest news related to this war is that four more ships carrying agricultural goods stranded due to war in Ukraine have been allowed to go out of the country’s Black Sea coast on Sunday. Analysts have warned that Russia is moving troops and equipment towards the ports. The body that oversees an international deal to get grain from Ukraine and deliver it to millions of poor people in parts of Africa, the Middle East and Asia said grain-laden ships are expected to depart from Kornomorsk and Odessa on Monday. Is.

Ukraine, Russia, Turkey and the United Nations signed agreements last month to build a sea channel that would allow cargo ships to travel safely through ports that were blocked by Russia’s military. Also from the water area where the Ukrainian army had laid landmines. Implementation of the agreement, effective for four months, has progressed slowly since the first ship departed last Monday. In the past four months of the war, Russia has focused on capturing the Donbass region of eastern Ukraine, where pro-Moscow separatists have held some areas as self-declared republics for eight years.

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