Famous Bollywood filmmaker Karan Johar has returned to the big screen as a director after seven years with the film Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. Starring Alia Bhatt and Ranveer Singh in the lead roles, this film proved to be a box office hit. The film received a lot of positive response from the audience and people really liked the concept of the film. After making a splash on the big screen, this multi-starrer film is now all set to release on the OTT platform.
We tell you that this Karan Johar film arrived on Amazon Prime Video earlier this week. Currently, audiences have to pay money to watch the film. You can rent this movie on Prime Video for the next 30 days. After that, you can enjoy this blockbuster movie on OTT for free.
According to reports, viewers can now watch the deleted scenes in the theatrical release on the OTT platform. According to reports, the makers have added a 10-minute scene in the film before the OTT release. A while back, Karan Johar shared a deleted scene from the film on his Instagram account.
Talking about the story of the film, Ranveer Singh will be seen in the role of Rocky Randhawa, a dashing Punjabi boy. Alia Bhatt plays the role of Bengali television journalist Rani Chatterjee. Both fall in love with each other. The twist in the story comes when both of them decide to live with each other’s families before marriage due to different personalities.