Actress Rani Mukerji and producer Aditya Chopra are one of the popular Bollywood couples. Both prefer to keep their relationship private. Aditya Chopra prefers to stay out of the limelight. At the same time, Rani is often seen at one or the other event. Some time ago, Rani spoke openly about her relationship with her husband Aditya.
On Neha Dhupia’s BFF’s With Vogue chat show, Rani Mukherjee said that she curses and abuses her husband Aditya Chopra. She though she said that she curses her husband with love.
On the show, Neha Dhupia asks Rani Mukerji: ‘Do you fight with your husband Aditya?’ In response, she said: ‘Yes, I do. I curse my husband every day. I abuse my husband every day, but he does such loving things that I curse him with love. In my family, when we curse someone, we curse with love. We do not curse with hate. If I curse someone, it means that I really love that person very much.
Apart from this, Rani Mukherjee talked about her daughter Adira. She wants her daughter to grow up normally like the others despite being a star child. Rani said, ‘I want Adira to grow up normally. You get undeserved and unwanted attraction without achieving anything in life. I want Adira to be treated like any other child at school. Aditya and I don’t want her to be constantly photographed.’
Significantly, Rani Mukerji’s recent release Mrs. Chatterjee vs Norway is doing good business at the box office. Rani Mukherjee’s performance in this film has been highly appreciated. Now fans are looking forward to the next movie of the actress.