Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt are considered one of Bollywood’s power couples. The couple also gets a lot of headlines on social media. Some time ago this couple had celebrated the first anniversary of their marriage. On this special occasion, Ranbir Kapoor made this day even more special by giving Alia a special gift. Ranbir, who is busy filming for Animal, brought a gift from London on his first anniversary. This gift was not an ordinary gift. You will be surprised to know the cost of this gift.
Ranbir Kapoor was recently seen with a bag at the airport on his way back from London. In which the channel was written. Seeing this, netizens speculated that Ranbir brought this gift for Alia on the first anniversary.
On their first anniversary, Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt visited their house with a simple look. On this special occasion, photos and videos of both went viral on social media. Alia’s bag made headlines this time. Previous users were guessing the price of this bag. Then she later found out the price of the bag, later it turned out to be in lakhs. Actually, Ranbir had brought this bag to Alia for $12,250 i.e. around 10 lakh rupees.
Speaking of the work front, the actor will soon be seen on Animal with Rashmika Mandanna. This movie has been directed by Kabir Singh fame, Sandeep Reddy Vanga and it will be released in theaters this year. Apart from this, many future Ranbir projects are in preparation.