After a fairly quiet first semester on the video game side, the start of the school year marks the arrival of an avalanche of titles. The PS5, Xbox Series X / S, Switch and PC consoles will welcome the first wave of games this end of the year, ahead of a Christmas that promises to be busy. This is what to expect.
The following games are presented based on their release dates between August and September.
It’s arguably one of the most ambitious exploration and strategy video games of the year. With Humankind, the French developers at Amplitude Studios offer nothing less than to rewrite the history of all mankind. First programmed for the PC, this title invites you to choose from 60 cultures that have shaped the planet to remake the world through six time eras. From ancient times to the age of rockets, players will be able to develop their vision in this title that should please (or even make them forget?) Fans of the “Civilizations” franchise. Long-awaited, Humankind could be one of the games of the year.
Very good launch for Xbox Series, Xbox One, PS4 and PC, Psychonauts 2 will point the tip of its nose a little before the start of the school year. Created by the team at Double Fine Productions, this sequel comes almost 15 years after a crazy first adventure. We meet Raz, our little hero, who will alternate between the real world and the disturbed spirit of his enemies. A psychedelic festival scheduled for August 25.
Travis Touchdown will resume service next August in the canonical third episode of his adventures. Highly anticipated, No More Heroes III will be a Switch exclusive. Our crazy hero-assassin will be sent to an island floating above the sea, where all his battles will have consequences for the rest of our galaxy. In an absurd and scathing story, No More Heroes III should liven up the year.
Ubisoft has gotten us used to offering open-world video games of astonishing richness and beauty. Riders Republic should continue this identity by offering a particularly beautiful and fun multisport multiplayer game. As in Steep (dedicated to winter sports), Riders Republic takes us to a valley surrounded by mountains, where lovers of extreme sports have a great time. Snowboarding, mountain biking and even the wingsuit (propelled by rockets) will be at the center of the gameplay of this adrenaline-pumping game that will offer, in addition to free solo rides, six-on-six competition sessions and even Giant races on 64 players. Everything will land on consoles and PC.