Promote physical and emotional development

Acciona and the Fútbol Más Foundation have promoted a series of activities, through sport, that favor the physical and emotional development of children and adolescents at risk of exclusion. Nearly 80 children came together to improve their skills within the framework of International Friendship Day which is celebrated on July 30.

The opening day was attended by the General Director of Acciona for South America, Miguel Arrarás and the World Director of Engineering and Construction, Joaquín Ancín. This workshop was focused on reinforcing loyalty and trust with other people.

The activities carried out by Acciona and the Fútbol Más Foundation are part of social development initiatives that seek to promote protection and well-being of children and adolescents living in contexts of social vulnerability.

In this way, and always through sport, values ​​and skills are promoted for their future life, among which are respect for others, creativity, joy, responsibility and teamwork.

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