Presidential elections in Russia, Putin by 2030?

The Russian Senate has just announced the date for the country’s next presidential elections. They will take place as expected on March 17, 2024. The result of the elections will also come as no surprise: the current one will win President Vladimir Putin without doubt.

“With this decision we are giving the starting signal for the election campaign,” said the Senate President. Valentina Matviyenkoin statements collected by the EFE agency.

Russian law requires the country’s Senate to call elections 100 to 90 days before the election.

Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, whose territories have been occupied by Russian troops since the beginning of the total war on February 24, 2024, the Russian authorities will try to bring the ballot boxes to these forcibly conquered Ukrainian territories.

Another novelty is that they will try to attract voters We have more days to vote, and not just Sunday March 17tha measure that the opposition does not like as it tends to give them more time for fraud and there is less control.

One of Russia’s most prominent opposition voices, Alexei Navalnywho is currently serving a prison sentence, urged Russians to vote for any candidate except Putin.

The Russian president has not yet officially presented his candidacy, but after the change in the law he can easily run again. Despite leading the country for more than 23 years.

“On this day we call on everyone to go to the polls and vote against Vladimir Putin. This can be achieved by checking the box of every other candidate,” he wrote on his Telegram channel, collected by the EFE agency.

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Less than two months ago he had rejected the possibility of supporting the leaders of parliamentary parties such as the Communists Gennady Zyuganov or the ultranationalist Leonid Slutsky for his support of the war in Ukraine.

The change in opinion came after a digital consultation among exiled politicians, activists and journalists, a majority of whom voted to take part in the elections to express their opposition to Putin and his military deployment.

“Without a doubt, a parody of the electoral process awaits us. And the final results are manipulated as usual.”. But every decision, even the most wrong one, is a time of doubt. “People are thinking about who is in power and why,” Navalni, who has served nearly 30 years in prison for various crimes, said today.

The leader of the opposition believes that currently “the main task of the opposition and all honest citizens is to respond with all our strength to these doubts.”

“More importantly, we call on everyone to use the remaining 100 days until the vote to propagate against Putin and his power (…). Explain that Putin, 71 years old, has been in power for 24 years and he “should not stay there for another six years. He is harming Russia. He has to go,” he said.

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