Pradilla and Labeyrie sign the first European triumph

First victory of the season for Valencia in Eurocup. Those from Peñarroya overcame the ‘inner problemWhat did it mean to them? the casualties of Dubljevic, Tobey and Claver and despite fitting many points in the area, the will of Pradilla and Labeyrie stopped those of Luis Casimiro. The Frenchman was also the reference in attack and he left with 23 points, but the most remarkable thing about the game was that up to five players passed the ten goals. Faced with the casualties, the taronjas were one more team than ever and they managed to keep the victory in La Fonteta.

Valencia began accusing the absence of the interiors in the defense. Peñarroya opted for Labeyrie as’center‘and a quintet of short ones, but in a minute and a half he corrected his initial approach by entering Paradilla and after receiving seven points in a row in the zone. The departure of Zaragoza gave a little more presence to the taronja areaBut Hunt and Grant continued to punish excessively.

The locals came ahead to rest thanks to their precise success, with triples from Arostegui and Hermannsson included, but after receiving 24 points in ten minutes, Peñarroya did not like what he saw.

Peñarroya’s talk had a half effect after the first quarter, as the 24 points conceded in the first period became 19 in the second. The locals, yes, They closed the area supported by Pradilla’s physique, who was also inspired by the rival rim, and an active Labeyrie who could not stop the rivals by physicality but with his intelligent movements. But the success from the shot was still very high for both teams and the points followed each other until the break with +4 for Valencia.

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The second half began and the duel returned “to blows”. From triple to triple and shot for my turn, Puerto kept his team afloat while the Greek Rogkavopoulos punished the locals. The inspired Pradilla had to go to the bench for adding the fourth foulOnce again, Peñarroya’s men suffered in the area and were behind on the scoreboard … But then the character came out. Between Labeyrie, Puerto and Van Rossom they made a ‘sprint’ that left the team with seven points of advantage.

Labeyrie started the last quarter as he finished the third: with a three-pointer. His private account was already going up to 23 points. Valencia and La Fonteta pressed to close the matchPradilla returned to the court to close the area and expand the advantage but Luis Casimiro’s men were not resigned to being defeated and continued to score points. The Zaragoza native was expelled but that did not detract from his great performance and received the well-deserved ovation from La Fonteta. Seconds later Arostegui hit a triple from his house and on the horn that put the +11, the maximum of the match, just four minutes from the end, being a difference that the visitors could no longer overcome.

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