Piñera’s last words before his death: “You jump first. If I jump with you, the helicopter will fall on all of us.”

“You jump first, Because if I jump with you, the helicopter will fall on all of us.” These were the last words of former Chilean President Sebastián Piñera, shortly before he died while piloting a helicopter in which three other people were traveling who survived the authorities assume that the plane crashed into Lake Ranco in the Los Ríos region a few minutes after take-off due to heavy rain and fog. Apparently the hull was 40 meters deep and the former president was unable to get out due to the seat belt. .

At the moment we lack data on the details of the accident, while the events are still being investigated by prosecutor Tatiana Esquivel. They traveled with Piñera, an experienced helicopter pilot Magdalena Pinera, sister of former president; Businessman and family friend Ignacio Guerrero and his son Bautista Guerrero. They were all saved because Piñera managed to bring the ship close to the lake so that the passengers could jump, according to Chilean media Emol.

If the ship -a Model Robinson R 66– fell into the water 400 meters from the house from which it took off, which belonged to José Cox, a businessman and friend of Piñera since their student days. Cox himself went out in the boat to rescue the victims. Apparently Piñera was unable to remove his seatbelt when the plane was already in the water.

The Chilean media has reconstructed the president’s final hours. The “Ex-ante” website explains that Piñera had contacted President Boric to inform him that the team that worked on the reconstruction after the 2010 earthquake was available to help rebuild the areas destroyed by the fires in Valparaíso.

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On Monday he held a meeting with six members of his governments and spoke with the current Minister of Social Development, Javiera Toro. In a WhatsApp message sent this Tuesday at 11 a.m., Piñera wrote: “We need to coordinate to complete our cooperation.”

Later, after lunch at the home of his friend José Cox, residents saw the former president’s helicopter flying over the lake. The day was cloudy and it started raining after 1 p.m. At that time, the former president took the helicopter to fly to his home in Coique Bay on the other side. But the device fell into the water 400 meters from the lake. “A common theory so far is that one of the helicopter’s windows was left half open, causing the glass to fog up within seconds and any idea of ​​distances to be lost,” says the Chilean media mentioned above.

Piñera – who was president twice (2010-2014 and 2018-2022) – could not be saved.

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