The return of the permanent driving license has generated many doubts. This option, more practical and economic, has a deadline and after it is fulfilled you will lose the opportunity to obtain it. At the time, this license offered a long-term benefit: pay for the process once and get an indefinite valid document without renewal expenses. Although over time it was eliminated by periodic renewal licenses.
But in 2024, it was decided to implement it again, at least in certain states. With the aim of providing a more accessible alternative over time, the new permanent license will be of great help, although for a limited time. You have a chance until December 31, 2025. After that date, as the authorities have announced, it will no longer be possible to obtain it, unless a future extension is granted, something that is not guaranteed.
The permanent license is currently only available in Mexico City, Oaxaca, San Luis Potosí, Tamaulipas, and Morelos. If you are a resident of any of these entities, you can do the procedure to request your permanent license. To be able to request it, the interested parties must be residents of any of the states mentioned and have a previous license issued by the Semovi, not have serious sanctions for infractions, and approve the mandatory theoretical examination if it is your first time to process the license.
Those who do not meet these requirements will not be eligible for a permanent license. The lack of renewal does not exempt drivers from their responsibility and compliance with traffic regulations. The price of the permanent license in CDMX is 1,500 Mexican pesos, an amount that is justified by the fact that it does not need future renewals. Although in other states, it is possible to obtain it for free.
Among the requirements that will be asked for are official identification in force with photography, Unique Population Registration Key, proof of recent domicile, proof of the corresponding payment made after obtaining a capture line, and approval of the theoretical examination for license applicants for the first time. To carry out this procedure, you will have to obtain an appointment using the CDMX digital portal. Once the appointment is scheduled, you can attend one of the authorized modules of Semovi, as well as specific spaces in programs where theoretical exams will also be performed.
If you miss this opportunity, you may not have a chance to process it in the future. On the other hand, it is essential to mention that those who breach traffic regulations or have a driving history under the influence of alcohol will not be able to obtain it. This reinforces the authorities’ commitment to promote responsible mobility in the capital. The return of the permanent driving license in Mexico City is a measure that has been well-received by the inhabitants of the capital, especially those who seek greater comfort and long-term savings.
Similarly, this initiative reflects government efforts to simplify mobility procedures and improve road safety. If you are interested in obtaining this document, do not expect too much: organize your documents, program your appointment, and take this opportunity before the end of the deadline in December 2025. The permanent license is a practical solution, but with a limited time to access it, so do not miss this opportunity.