Paris: the Gisèle Halimi promenade inaugurated below the Quai d’Orsay

The elected Parisians had unanimously decided, last April, that part of the banks of the Seine would bear the name of Gisèle Halimi. This project is taking shape, while a renowned walk in homage to the lawyer, a figure of feminism in France, is to be inaugurated this Tuesday, August 31, below the Quai d’Orsay (7th).

“Paris inscribes, in the district where Gisèle Halimi lived and that she loved, the memory of her tireless fight for the rights of women and her anti-colonialist commitment”, thus communicated the Parisian municipality, announcing the inauguration of this “Promenade along the banks of the Seine between the Pont des Invalides and the Pont de l’Alma […] in homage to the lawyer, politician and activist for the emancipation of peoples and women’s rights ”.


As a reminder, Gisèle Halimi is a Franco-Tunisian politician and activist, engaged in the early 1970s in the pro-abortion feminist fight. In 1971, she was also one of the signatories of the “manifesto of 343”, signed by as many women confiding to have aborted and therefore to have violated the law, calling for the legalization of abortion in France. Until 1975, she fervently defended several women accused of having aborted.

Died at the age of 93 on July 28, 2020 in Paris, Gisèle Halimi will forever figure one of those who participated in the evolution of mentalities and thus allowed the legalization of abortion, “at the same time” as The Parisian municipality reminds us “as a lawyer” then “member” but also as “founder with Simone de Beauvoir of the movement” Choose the cause of women “”.

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His name was also cited to enter the Pantheon. In any case, this is the request of the Association for the Promotion of Cooperation and Friendship between France and Tunisia. “Because to Great Women, the Fatherland [est] grateful, we call on you, Mr. President of the Republic, to examine the possibility of bringing the ashes of Gisèle Halimi into the Pantheon, ”she wrote to Emmanuel Macron, referring to the registration in the pediment of the monument.

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