One year after having been rehabilitated into several hundred social housing units, the former military barracks of Reuilly, located in the 12th district, is now a real district in the city. On the occasion of his first birthday, a big party was organized there this Wednesday, September 1st.
“This is a fine example of successful transformation, and above all of social diversity”, welcomed Ian Brossat, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of housing, who underlines that this project combined the creation of “social housing “,” Student accommodation “but also” intermediate accommodation “. “And the observation that we are making is that things are going very well,” said the elected official on Wednesday.
Great success! well done @IanBrossat. Affordable housing must be achieved as a priority in the existing, as here, to preserve open spaces. We will need it badly with global warming. So we are leading a social and environmental policy.
– Emile Meunier (@emilemeunier) September 1, 2021
Welcome to all the residents of the new Reuilly barracks! Greenery, nursery, shops, social and student housing, games for children… A collective project for a glimpse of the city of tomorrow!
– Emmanuelle Pierre-Marie (@EPierreMarie) September 1, 2021
As a reminder, 582 rental dwellings – “for modest families or from the middle class” – had thus could be created in the former Reuilly barracks, including 339 social housing for students and families. A “priority” for the majority of Anne Hidalgo, whose policy for several years has been to increase the purchase of buildings to transform them into housing accessible to all.
Among the new tenants who moved in a year ago, the municipality was then enthusiastic about welcoming “those who make Paris live” and had cited office workers, a medical secretary, a nursing assistant, a nurse. , a nanny, a life assistant, building employees but also employees from the restaurant industry.
Formerly completely closed to the public, the former military ground now accommodates “a real district”, with a new green space open to all of about 5,000 square meters as well as a nursery with 66 cradles, after work estimated at 170 million d ‘euros. Today, the management of this barracks, which had a military status since the middle of the 19th century, has been entrusted to Paris Habitat.
“A great pride” had already indicated Ian Brossat, for whom this “ecological and social project” was in particular the means of housing hundreds of families in the heart of the capital. “The Reuilly barracks is an emblematic project of the action of the municipal team,” he stressed. Moreover, the elected representative recalls that this operation is one among others that will have allowed or will allow the municipality to transform old barracks into social housing.
And to detail: “in 2020, the barracks of Minimes (Paris Center) had been bought by the City of Paris from the State to make 70 social housing, while the barracks Exelmans (16th), which served in recent months emergency accommodation on a temporary basis, will soon be completely transformed to accommodate at least 150 social housing units ”.