Oviedo measures the strength of the leader

Almería closed the first match on Monday night and is back on stage today to defend their leadership. It will do so with 4,000 spectators and with the spotlights of a Mediterranean stadium with a new face (it has been painted red) pointing towards Ramazani and Sadiq after their show in Cartagena.

Rubi will give continuity to the eleven that won in Cartagonova. Of course, a couple of changes are not ruled out. Nieto has his options to enter the right-hand side. Nor is it unreasonable that Ibiza or Puigmal appear on the scene.

Oviedo travels aware of the role of favorite of his rival, but without giving up anything. The carbayón team is still half built, with signings to be made and with important pieces in the process of adaptation, such as Borja Bastón. But Ziganda does not make excuses and wants to add as soon as possible to avoid the bad dynamics of the last two years.

Read Also:  Council Urges Fans in Oviedo

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