“Unfortunately, due to an enemy attack, we have one dead in Feodosia and two wounded,” Aksyonov said on Telegram, according to multiple agencies. Aksyonov added that six buildings were damaged and their residents were evacuated.
“The transport infrastructure is functioning normally,” he emphasized.
According to the Interfax news agency and reports from the Reuters agency, Ukraine used guided missiles fired from aircraft to attack Feodosia.
A few hours earlier, the Ukrainian Air Force had emphasized that it had destroyed a Russian naval ship near this city that was suspected of transporting drones for use in Moscow’s war against Kiev.
“The large landing ship Novocherkask” was “destroyed” by Ukrainian aircraft, the military unit said on Telegram.
Ukraine frequently carries out attacks in Crimea, particularly against the Russian military. Already in April 2022 he sank the cruiser Moskva, the flagship of the Black Sea Fleet.
With information from DW