Oise: He mistakes his bedroom door for the window and falls a floor.

A brutal end to the night to say the least. In Sacy-le-Grand (Oise), a 38-year-old man mistook the door to the room where he slept for the window and fell a floor.

“I was very scared when I saw him on the ground,” says the Parisian the friend he was staying with. “I still don’t know how it went.”

The man, originally from Compiègne (Oise), went to Sacy-le-Grand on August 7 to participate in an evening. Her friend living a few feet away, decided to spend the night with her.

The thirty-something woke up around 2 am He wandered around the apartment for a few minutes before going back to bed. Except that, still a little asleep and without knowing the place well, he did not open the door of his room … but the window. That was how he passed the balustrade that swayed into the garden, one floor below.

Her friend, alerted by the noise, immediately contacted Samu. The thirty-year-old broke several ribs and injured his head. He was transferred to the Amiens Nord hospital and, at this time, his vital prognosis is no longer compromised.

According to The parisian, the accidental fall trail is favored by researchers.

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