Global average sea surface temperature increased by 0.23°C last year compared to 2022, according to a study published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences.
Not only will 2023 be the warmest year in terms of global temperatures; According to a study published in the journal Advances in Atmocultural Sciences, the same thing happened to the oceans, which broke the record for highest temperatures for the fifth year in a row. The publication also shows that this warming trend will continue this century even if greenhouse gas emissions stop.
Last year, the global average sea surface temperature recorded a 0.23°C increase compared to 2022, as the shallowest 2,000 meters of the ocean absorbed more heat than the previous year, setting records for the previous high.
According to the agency, the research team, consisting of 17 research institutions from China, the United States, New Zealand, Italy and France, found that the heat stored in the ocean is equivalent to “boiling 2.3 billion Olympic-sized swimming pools.” China’s official news agency Xinhua reported this on Thursday.
The study also calculated the salinity of seawater and found that in areas with high salinity, the amount of salt increased proportionally, while in areas with low salinity the opposite occurred, recording the phenomenon of “salty becomes salty and sweet becomes sweeter.”
Senior researcher and researcher at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Cheng Lijing, noted that warming oceans are a “key indicator” for quantifying climate change, as “more than 90% of global heat is released into the atmosphere become”. in the oceans.”
“The oceans also determine how quickly the Earth’s climate changes. To know what has happened or will happen to this planet, we can look for answers in the oceans,” said the scientist quoted by the agency.
The publication also warns that high ocean temperatures will “reduce the oxygen content of seawater and its ability to absorb carbon dioxide,” which will have “serious consequences” for marine life, plants and animals.
What will be the consequences of warming oceans?
Ocean warming has diverse consequences and its impacts span a wide range of biological, climatic and ecological aspects. The main consequences include:
- Change in weather conditions: The oceans play a crucial role in regulating the global climate. Warming oceans can change weather patterns and cause extreme weather events such as more intense and frequent hurricanes.
- Rising sea level: Warming oceans contribute to sea level rise through thermal expansion of water and melting of glaciers and polar ice caps. This can have a significant impact on coastal communities and increase the risk of flooding and erosion.
- Coral bleaching: Rising sea temperatures can lead to coral bleaching. This phenomenon occurs when thermal stress causes corals to expel the symbiotic algae that provide them with color and nutrients. Prolonged bleaching can lead to coral death if conditions do not improve.
- Impact on marine life: Many marine species are adapted to certain temperature conditions. Warming oceans can affect the distribution and migration of species, alter marine ecosystems, and impact fish populations and other forms of marine life.
- Changing ocean circulation patterns: Warming oceans can affect ocean circulation patterns, such as the Gulf Stream. This could have implications for the redistribution of heat and nutrients, impacting ecosystems and regional climate.
- Impact on fisheries: Changing distributions of marine species due to warming oceans may impact fisheries. Communities that rely on fishing as a primary source of food and employment may face economic and social challenges.
- Ocean acidification: The absorption of carbon dioxide by the oceans leads to water acidification. This can affect marine organisms that rely on calcium carbonate shells and skeletons, such as corals, molluscs and some types of plankton.
These consequences are interrelated and warming oceans are an essential part of global climate change. Mitigating climate change and adopting sustainable practices are essential to reducing these impacts and protecting ocean health and biodiversity.