In the fifth IPL match, RCB defeated Mumbai Indians by 8 wickets. In this match, Mumbai scored 171 runs while batting first. In response, Bangalore won the match in just 16.2 overs. There was a record partnership between Virat Kohli and Faf du Plessis for the team. Both faced 89 balls and played a couple of 148 runs. At the same time, following the loss at the hands of RCB, Mumbai captain Rohit Sharma was missing the team’s star fast bowler and Jasprit Bumrah, who was out of the squad through injury. Rohit said after the game that in the last 6-8 months I got used to playing without Bumrah. We cannot control those things that are not under our control.
After the 8 wicket defeat at the hands of RCB, team captain Rohit Sharma was seen to be missing Jasprit Bumrah. Rohit said after the match that “for the last 6-8 months I’m used to playing without Bumrah. I’m gone. It’s a different setup but someone needs to raise their hand and step up. We can’t ignore this. Injuries are not under our control, we can’t do much about it. We have very talented players. We need to support them. It was the first game of the season, there is a lot to come.
Significantly, in this match played against Mumbai Indians, RCB recorded a one-sided victory. Chasing 172 runs, RCB won the match by 8 wickets. Apart from Faf du Plessis and Virat Kohli, Glenn Maxwell scored 12 runs off 3 balls with the help of 2 sixes.