In the IPL 2023, on April 3, the teams of Chennai Super Kings and Lucknow Super Giants will meet. This match will take place at the Chepauk Stadium in Chennai. CSK were beaten by 5 wickets against Gujarat Titans in the first match. While the Lucknow team managed to win their first match against Delhi Capitals by 50 runs. In this match, the Chennai team would like to counterattack. This will be the first time after four years that the CSK team will play in front of their home crowd. There are doubts about the participation of MS Dhoni in this match.
In the match against Lucknow Super Giants, there is a doubt that Dhoni will play at home. He had injured his knee before the start of IPL 2023. After which, Dhoni found it difficult to play in the first match. But despite this, Dhoni played. But in the match against Gujarat Titans, Dhoni mainly took single runs. He seemed like he still hasn’t fully recovered from the injury. But no official statement has come yet regarding his no game against Lucknow. Overall, Dhoni can be seen leading the team in Chepauk.
Chennai Super Kings were defeated in the match played against Gujarat Titans on March 31. CSK scored 178 runs in this match. Gujarat had completed the target of 179 runs with the loss of five wickets. For Chennai, Rituraj Gaikwad played an excellent 92-run innings. The fans expect him to play similar innings against Lucknow Super Giants. Rituraj had hit 9 sixes and four fours in that match. At the same time, Ben Stokes will have a chance to prove himself in the second match. CSK bought it for Rs 16.25 crore in the IPL mini auction. Chennai’s pitching helps spin so CSK will have to give an extra pitcher a chance.