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Morocco: Rescuers and residents hold their breath in the face of the perilous rescue of Ryan

Morocco: Rescuers and residents hold their breath in the face of the perilous rescue of Ryan

It is an extraordinary rescue that is taking place in Morocco. A little boy, Ryan, falls by accident on Tuesday, February 1, in a well more than 30 meters deep. It’s a race against time for the rescuers engaged day and night.

For four days, rescue operations have multiplied to try to save Ryan. His village and the whole of Morocco hold their breath, hanging on the story of this 5-year-old boy who accidentally fell into a well on Tuesday, February 1. A camera was able to access the child 32 meters underground, showing him injured, but alive. “Please, my God, relieve my pain and that of my son. I hope that the rescuers will manage to save him”, worries Wassima Kharchich, Rayan’s mother.

Oxygen and water were able to get to Ryan. A rescuer tried to descend twice, in vain. The well is very narrow, so it is almost impossible to send a rescuer there. The rescuers, therefore, dug a huge hole next to the pot to recover the child. But the risks of landslides are worrying. On social networks, Internet users invite Ryan to stay strong and hold on.

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