More beautiful life: comedian Eric Vastine is dead

Fans of the series “Plus belle la vie” knew him well. Comedian Eric Vastine is dead, we learned on Wednesday, September 1.

For more than ten years, he played this discreet plainclothes cop who often went to the Mistral bar. A physique that we met regularly in this flagship program of France 3 and whose disappearance has moved Internet users, like his friends and all those who have worked with him.

On his Instagram account, Jérôme Bertin who plays the character of Patrick Nebout, wanted to pay a last tribute to his accomplice whose causes of his death have not been revealed. “It’s one of the silhouettes that all“ Plus belle la vie ”fans know. For us, it is a soft, calm voice, a benevolent look and smile, and above all a discreet and always classy friend, a real father who goes away. Hi buddy. I hope you went to find the seabed of Marseille with which you fell in love 20 years ago, ”he wrote.

Pierre Martot, who plays him Léo Castelli, is also in mourning. “Those who watch ‘Plus Belle La Vie’ will surely recognize it. He had been one of the police extras at the station for 15 years. We saw him almost in all the films that are shot in Marseille. Of those without whom cinema and television could not exist. I once said to him: “If there is ever a need for someone to play my brother, we will know who to ask …”, he smiled. Let’s say we had the same hairdresser. He left tonight. He was a humble and discreet man. Always available. May he be thanked and honored. I have a thought for all the extras who knew him, for his friends, and for his wife and his two children, ”he recalled, moved, on social networks.

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Eric Vastine will therefore remain a figure that no one will forget, him, this great diving enthusiast, who appeared in the “Plan B”, “Tandem” or “Léo Matteï” series.

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