Tom Cruise back into Ethan Hunt for the long-awaited Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning by Christopher McQuarrie. Cut in two parts the time to settle into a real high-stakes film, the blockbuster is certainly one of the most anticipated of this summer rich in big releases. What is this new iteration of the franchise worth in terms of stakes, impact, characters and stunts?
Impossible mission is probably one of the best in terms of pure action. Often considered the most enduring and popular saga in action cinema, each new release is a big financial and critical success. Dead Reckoning takes advantage of its division to succeed in an additional step that the previous ones did not have: Take the time to install its intrigue and the threat in place. We find a story without much connection with the events of fallout apart from a major change: Exit government coverage, Hunt must work alone against a host of countries and characters with personal interests. Emphasis is also placed on the danger surrounding the protagonists that we have been following for several films.
more mature than Ghost Protocoldenser than fallout And Rogue Nationwe feel that McQuarrie takes a 180° turn in the direction of a spy – even political – thriller. It remains nevertheless below the very good MI3 who stood out for one simple reason: his antagonist.

Paradoxically, the danger that reigns over Hunt is bigger than the other films and the story has to nail us to our seat. The feature film achieves this only partially but always tends to introduce us to the super spy of Tom Cruise like an untouchable Deus Ex Machina. Suddenly, the scores of emotions and bravery turn towards his entourage – subcontracted moreover. The villain is also a bit ramshackle and cartoonish where a Philip Seymour Hoffman (MI3) burst the screen as a cruel and unsympathetic mercenary. The French Pom Klementieff is otherwise also subcontracted in the plot and remains only a human fuse serving as a physical confrontation. Even if we really appreciate seeing her driving an armored car that smashes everything in its path.
However, the choice to borrow the dangers of artificial intelligence succeeds in energizing the film and taking it to a new healthy path. Exit all the stories of hi-tech terrorism, we feel the virtual entity being able to move into a real character in its own right, destined to manipulate people and cause the loss of humanity by its own implosion. Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning correctly lays the foundations of a titanic story, well helped by some promising character additions (Hayley Atwell who bursts the screen).

The $290 million juggernaut doesn’t skimp either on bursting our retinas with explosive action scenes, almost making the big stunt of Tom Cruise up the mountain for a sparkle in a sea of colors. McQuarrie even has the luxury of sowing seeds of humor where there shouldn’t be any – we note in particular an astonishing chase scene (but effective) in a small yellow car.
What a pity on the other hand not to agree more on the moments of tragedies. In the middle of the film, a drama shakes the team, which almost essentially refocuses on the mission. The realization would have taken another new angle if they had endeavored to create a few flaws and tenderness in its characters lobotomized by their missions. The film concedes this absence despite everything by making them even more endearing. With Dead Reckoningthe foundations for a thrilling finale have now been laid with great success, inevitably making this feature film one of the must-sees of the summer.