Milei Criticizes Sánchez for Alleging Job Theft

The President of Argentina, Javier Milei, launched a scathing attack on Spain’s President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, from Madrid, accusing him of trying to “take the Spaniards’ places”. Milei expressed his hopes that Sánchez and his government will eventually wake up, just as Argentina did under his leadership.

Milei made these comments during a speech at the Real Casa de Correos, where he received the International Medal of Madrid from the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso. He praised Ayuso, describing her as a leader who embodies a “reform movement”, and compared his own economic policies to her approach.

Milei’s speech was filled with confidence, as he reflected on his own election campaign, during which he promised to “wake up lions” rather than “guide lambs”. He claimed that his message has resonated globally, teaching Europe a lesson recently.

Milei is the first sitting president to personally collect the International Medal of Madrid, an honor previously bestowed upon leaders such as Ukraine’s Volodimir Zelenski and Ecuador’s Daniel Noboa.

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