Michel Onfray on antivax: “We no longer believe doctors, we no longer believe Science”

The philosopher Michel Onfray was the guest of Laurence Ferrari in the Matinale of CNEWS this Thursday, August 26.

During the interview, he notably reacted to the anti-ax movement: “We no longer believe doctors, we no longer believe Science. […] The expertise has disappeared and everyone is an expert and everyone starts to say extravagant things ”.

“I think there are a lot of antivax or antipass people who have reason to think so,” he added.

According to Michel Onfray, the mistrust of part of the population in the anti-Covid vaccine or in the health pass actually testifies to a generalized mistrust against authority: they are “people who are rather anti-Everything, they do not believe more in expertise, they are in a kind of generalized nihilism and that tells more about the nihilism of our time than anything else ”.

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