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Mexican Human Rights Commission asks to assist victims and families of those killed in Texas

Comisión DDHH mexicana pide atender a víctimas y familias de muertos en Texas

The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) made a call this Wednesday to the consular authorities of Mexico in San Antonio, Texas, in the United States, to provide “immediate” attention and assistance to victims and relatives of the 53 migrants who died overcrowded the Monday inside a trailer.

“The National Human Rights Commission (CNDH) makes a respectful call to the consular authorities of Mexico in San Antonio, Texas, in order to provide the necessary immediate attention and assistance to Mexican migrants in situations of victims and their families,” the agency said in a statement.

Likewise, it requested that the investigations carried out by the North American authority to clarify the facts “establish communication with the families of the victims” be followed up.

He recalled that, according to press reports, in the incident at least 53 migrants died of suffocation, while 16 people were found alive, who were taken to nearby hospitals to be treated, including minors.

He specified that "it is vital" ensure the human rights of people in the context of mobility.

“In this sense, recognize that migrants are subjects of rights and that they cannot be treated in any other way, especially when they are in a vulnerable situation,” he said.

The CNDH, which expressed solidarity with its counterparts in Honduras and Guatemala, indicated that it will remain attentive to the actions carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, through its consulate in San Antonio, to guarantee the human rights of Mexicans and their families.

On Monday, US immigration authorities in the town of San Antonio, on the Texas (USA) border with Mexico, located more than forty bodies inside a truck trailer.

So far, 53 migrants have died, including 27 Mexicans, 7 Guatemalans and 14 Hondurans. Of them, 40 are men and 13 women.

The trailer passed through the US immigration checkpoints, where it was captured by security cameras at 2:50 p.m. (7:50 p.m. GMT) last Monday in Encinal, (Texas), according to Francisco Garduño, commissioner of the National Institute of Migration (INM) from Mexico

This suggests that the immigrants had to remain locked up in the truck for several hours, in what has been considered the greatest tragedy of human trafficking in recent decades in the United States.

Forty-six migrants were pronounced dead at the scene, and seven of the 16 migrants found alive died after being taken to hospitals.

These events reflect the record migratory flow to the United States, whose Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Office detected in fiscal year 2021, which ended on September 30, more than 1.7 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. border with Mexico.

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