Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi's suspense thriller 'Merry Christmas' hit theaters on January 12. This film has a big confrontation to contend with. In fact, Merry Christmas has to compete with many films at the box office including Mahesh Babu's Guntur Karam, Teja Sajja's Hanu Maan and Dhanush's Captain Miller. In such a situation, “Merry Christmas” has lagged far behind in terms of returns. The film failed to collect even Rs 15 million in the five days of its release. Here let us know how much “Merry Christmas” earned on the first Tuesday i.e. the 5th day of its release?
Sriram Raghavan's Merry Christmas is a thriller film and was released simultaneously in Hindi-Tamil language. The film has been struggling to make money at the box office since day one. In fact, this film does not find an audience among the crowd of recent films. In such a situation, Merry Christmas is struggling to earn even a few crores. If we talk about the earnings of “Merry Christmas”.
This film had grossed Rs 2.45 million on the first day of release. The film's collection on the second day was Rs 3.45 crore and on the third day 'Mary Christmas' earned Rs 3.83 crore. The film's revenue was Rs 1.65 crore on its fourth day. The first earnings figures for this film's fifth day in cinemas are now available.
- According to Sacknilk's early trends report, 'Merry Christmas' has grossed Rs 115 crore on the fifth day of its release.
- With this, the total sales of Merry Christmas in five days now stands at Rs 12.53 crore.
“Merry Christmas” created a huge buzz before its release, but when the film hit theaters, it was met with complete rejection from audiences. This film underperformed many South Indian films at the box office, from Guntur Karam, Hanu Maan to Captain Miller. Merry Christmas is progressing very slowly and in such a situation, it has become difficult to recover even half the cost of this Katrina Kaif and Vijay Sethupathi film, made on a budget of Rs 60 crore.
As for the star cast of Merry Christmas, many actors including Vijay Sethupathi, Sanjay Kapoor and Radhika Apte have played important roles in this film. This film is based on the French novel Le Monte-Charge (Bird in a Cage) by Frederic Dard.