Magical Family Adventure

Spanish Basketball Federation Honors Olympic Heroes at Unique Gala

The Spanish Basketball Federation, in partnership with Brand, held the V Gala at the iconic La Zarzuela Hippodrome, a one-of-a-kind venue where horse racing meets a unique dimension. The event honored the best of Spanish basketball, promoting values, health, leadership, and ambition.

In her first Gala as president, Elisa Aguilar set the tone, stating, “This is a space for basketball lovers in which we can share and be happy to accompany the winners, to celebrate their experiences. We have the opportunity to join forces so that basketball continues to grow.”

A T-shirt collection featuring Spanish basketball Olympians from all eras, including Romay, Laia Palau, Marc, Rudy, Pau, Blanca Ares, Amaya, Pau, and others, was displayed to remind attendees of where they came from and where they are headed. The collection inspired everyone, including the senior men’s and women’s teams, led by Sergio Scariolo and Miguel Mendez.

Special Awards were presented to Rudy Fernandez, still immersed in the mission of the sixth Olympic Games, Vega Gimeno, who will enjoy Paris 2024 with the 3×3 team, and Sergio Rodriguez, who recently ended his career. Marta Fernandez, Rudy’s sister, presented the award to him, and their heartfelt hug will be remembered.

The Gala also recognized the efforts of women in management, with Maria Lacasa, future Director of Communication at Endesa, and Rachel de Diego, sponsorship manager at CaixaBank, taking part in the awards ceremony.

The event brought together leading figures in Spanish sport, including Jose Miguel Calleja, Alfonso Reyes, Lucila Pascua, Juan María Gavaldá, Gem Nuns, Jose Asensio, Felipe Reyes, and Amaya Valdemoro.

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Juan Ignacio Gallardo, director of MARCA, commented, “This will not be the cherry on top of the year. The cup will be in the Valencia Pre-Olympic and then in the Games. Let this Gala serve as a plot to achieve qualification and reach Paris. The Games would not be the same without you. Let’s enjoy the prelude to what will be something great.”

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