Shah Rukh Khan, the king of Bollywood, held an AskSRK session for his fans on Twitter where his fans asked him a lot of questions and SRK answered all those questions as well. At the same time, Kamal Rashid Khan aka KRK, who is famous for his controversial tweets, also asked Shahrukh a question about his upcoming movie ‘Pathan’ during this session.
Asking Shahrukh Khan a question, KRK tweeted and wrote, “Bhaijaan Shahrukh Khan, are you sure your movie ‘Pathan’ will be a success?” He also used the hashtag AskSRK in this tweet.
bhai jan @iamsrk are you sure your movie #pathaan it will become a success. #QuestionSRK
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 5, 2022
Shahrukh Khan has not responded to this KRK tweet, but his fans have given such a response, which will make KRK stop talking. In response to this KRK tweet, a Shahrukh fan wrote: “Not just a hit, it will be a box office hit.” At the same time, another wrote: “Yes, we are sure it will be a success.” Not only this, one of Shahrukh’s fans even told KRK, “You’re jealous of the Pathan teaser, aren’t you?” However, KRK constantly receives such responses in this tweet.
After this tweet, KRK did not stop here, he also tweeted another one and wrote: “Dude, what have I asked the question? SRK sahib ran away. He did not say yes, that means he himself is not sure that ‘Pathan’ be a success.”
Yaar Maine Asks Kaya Pooch Liya, SRK Sahab Toh Bhaag Khade Huwe. She didn’t even say yes. Medium #SRK he himself is not sure if #pathaan it will become a success.🤪😁
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) November 5, 2022
Shahrukh fans also had a lot to say to KRK in this tweet. One user wrote: “They don’t think you deserve to be answered.” At the same time, another user wrote, “I didn’t reply because you wrote a hit…not a blockbuster, Pathan is a blockbuster.”
Significantly, on November 2, Shah Rukh Khan’s ‘Pathaan’ teaser was released, which his fans have showered a lot of love on. This film will be released in theaters on January 25, 2023.