Bollywood power couple Siddharth Malhotra and Kiya Advani have tied the knot. After marriage, this couple has made an entrance together at an award function for the first time, but even after getting together, they appeared separately in front of the media. Where first Kiara Advani made an entrance, after a while Sidharth Malhotra also appeared at the award show. In fact, the media thought that after the marriage, this couple would come together at all functions. But even after arriving at a function, when this couple looked different, fans were pretty shocked as well. Kiara Advani wore a yellow sari at this function, with which she resumed her bachelorette look.
Kiara Advani wore no mangalsutra with yellow or vermilion decorated saree in demand. The actress looked very cute with a small black dot on her forehead. Kiara looked nothing less than an Apsara with an open hair look with a sleeveless top. So on the other hand, Siddharth Malhotra also comes in as a handsome hunk. Siddharth looked stylish in a gray blazer. Of course, Siddharth Malhotra and Kiara may not have arrived at the award show together, but great videos of their chemistry from the stage are going wild on social media. The fans who love them both are very happy to see them together.
The love story of Kiara Advani and Siddharth Malhotra is nothing short of a fairy tale. They both got married at the Suryagarh Palace in Rajasthan among close family and friends. Even today the images of the wedding of both are seen going viral in the corridors of social networks. The video of their wedding is very liked by fans. Their wedding reception was held in Delhi, where he witnessed Kiara’s excellent bond with Siddharth’s family.