Kenya, Dissertation Kingdom Contractors

Some of the 3,700 students who graduated from the University of Nairobi on May 7, 2004. (Illustration) (RAMADHAN KHAMIS / MAXPPP)

You must know: there are sites where you can pay someone to write for you. A text comment, a history dissertation or a doctoral thesis, everything is possible… You choose an editor, click, make a transfer and a few hours or days later you receive the result by e-mail. And just put in your name and hope the teacher doesn’t see anything but fire.

In Kenya, what was once a little trick has turned into a real “industry” and the country has become the center of “test factories”. Thousands of students and recent graduates are selling their skills to other students – lazy but wealthy – who live in the United States, England or Australia. Why Kenya? Because Kenya is an English-speaking country, with a very good educational system, but which offers few opportunities in terms of employment.

The BBC journalists who tell this story met 30-year-old Kennedy: he stopped teaching because he was outsourcing the essay and he pays a lot more. In fact, at two euros a page, working on the net, you can easily earn $1,300 a month, more than the average salary. He is very lucid, he knows he is “morally compromised”, but assumes: “Occasionally, he said, you have to survive first before thinking about morality. “

Another example is David, 23, in his last year of college, who uses the system to pay for his studies. And he still has enough money to farm his land in his home village. He assures us that in his class there are about ten doing this.

In short, it’s the global cheating industry: customers don’t know who will write to them. On the websites, the photo of the “publisher”, which is rated by users from 1 to 5 stars, features a white academic head, man with glasses… And there’s a good chance it’s a fake photo. actually a Kennedy or a David who lives in Nairobi.

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The trend has grown so much in Kenya that some subcontractors are dealing with… subcontracting. This means that some authors are in such demand that they need to recruit other weapons to meet all the requests and groups that have arisen on Facebook and Telegram that sometimes have tens of thousands of members. How to fight this phenomenon? It’s difficult, but last year, for example, Australia formally banned this type of service, which can be dangerous if for example you’re using it to get your nursing degree. England may soon pass similar legislation.

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