The actress Kangana Ranaut has seen the film Oppenheimer. She reviewed the film. She has shared the video on Instagram. In the caption of this video, she wrote: ‘Christopher Nolan’s best movie. The most important movie of our time. I’m so excited I didn’t want it to end… She has everything I love about her. I am fond of physics and politics. Fabulous. marvelous.’
In this video, she is seen saying, ‘Folks, I’m here after watching the Oppenheimer movie. This is the story of a physicist who makes an atomic bomb for the United States in World War II. My favorite part is the reference to the Bhagavad Gita and Lord Vishnu, when he channels the Vishnu within him. Go see. It is a very beautiful movie.
Tell them that in this video, Kangana can be seen sitting inside a car. During this, she is wearing a white top. Her open hair and nude makeup enhance her look.
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