The Ministry of Interior sent a note to mayors before the extraordinary trial of the November 13, 2015 attacks.
“Our collective surveillance must be total in relation to endogenous and exogenous threats “, warns Gérald Darmanin in a note that franceinfo managed to obtain and sent on Monday to the mayors of the Paris police, Bouches-du-Rhône and the mayors of the metropolitan and overseas defense zones, before the start of the November 13 trial. Wednesday September 8th.
The Minister of Interior appeals in this note “with the utmost rigor“is for”a high level of surveillance, particularly in and around places of worship, places of learning, large gatherings in a context of return to normality and former sites of attacks“
The Minister also orders a “intensified checks around the most sensitive locations“
“Surveillance“assembling for this trial, which should bring together 1,800 civil parties, 300 lawyers and 100 national and international journalists. Of the 20 defendants, 14 will be present including Salah Abdeslam, the only survivor of the commands, before the special court in Paris. The trial is expected to last about 9 months.