Pope Francis recognized this Wednesday a miracle attributed to John Paul I, whose pontificate was one of the shortest in history, of only 33 days in 1978, for which he will soon be beatified.
The Argentine pontiff authorized the promulgation "the decree on the miracle attributed through the intercession of the venerable Servant of God John Paul I"the Vatican press office said in a statement.
The miracle attributed to John Paul I, the Italian Albino Luciani, is the inexplicable healing on July 23, 2011, in Buenos Aires, of an 11-year-old girl who was seriously ill and dying, but thanks to prayers the Italian pontiff was cured, according to the Vatican.
Francisco recognized last August "heroic virtues" of John Paul I, considering it as "God’s servant", the first stage on the road to beatification, the date of which has not been set by the Vatican.
For canonization it is necessary to have interceded in a second miracle, according to canonical norms.
John Paul I, nicknamed "the smiling pope", is the latest in a long succession of Italian popes and his death, which occurred just 33 days and six hours after his election, fueled doubts and conspiracy theories.
Chosen in August 1978 at the age of 65, to succeed Paul VI, he was found dead at dawn on September 28, 1978 of a heart attack, according to the official version.
However, due to the fact that the popes were not autopsied and inaccuracies by the Vatican about the conditions and time of death, the rumor that he had been assassinated, probably poisoned, was fueled in public opinion.
Since then, books on the subject have multiplied. Some argue that Pope Luciani was going to put in order delicate matters of the Church, in particular the controversial handling of finances by the American Bishop Paul Marcinkus, in charge of the Vatican bank and suspected at the time of having links with the Italian mafia .
Among recent popes, Paul VI (1963-1978) was beatified, while John XXIII (1958-1963) and John Paul II (1978-2005) were canonized.