The Japanese government will request approval for a budget to develop a meeting solution powered by Artificial Intelligence. The goal is to increase success in romantic encounters and increase the birth rate in the country.
A project by the government of Japan foresees the use of Artificial Intelligence to help make heterosexual couples successful and thus increase the birth rate in the country. The annual number of marriages in Japan has dropped from 800,000 in 2000 to 600,000 in 2019. Sora News 24 explains that in 25 of the country’s 47 prefectures there is already some kind of government program where women indicate their preferences for potential male partner, such as age, salary or education level, and receive a list of candidates.
The government’s goal now is to make existing systems more efficient and employ advanced technological solutions in order to increase the likelihood of getting accurate encounters. To feed the algorithm, users will have to answer a set of questions about their interests, on a number of topics and indicate their tastes and choices for hobbies. With this level of granularity, the authorities hope to be more successful than the methods currently employed to find and suggest couples.
The plan provides for a budget to pay two-thirds of the costs of introducing these technologies and the government asks for approval to spend $ 19 million on this program. If the investment is approved, AI solutions may start to be used in the spring of 2021.