Title: Jake Paul Vows to Take Down Boxing Legend Mike Tyson
Tyson’s Next Opponent Talks Upcoming Fight
American influencer Jake Paul has made it clear that he is determined to take down his next opponent, boxing legend Mike Tyson. The 27-year-old Paul spoke boldly about the upcoming fight, scheduled for November, saying, "You are one of the two most famous boxers that ever existed: you and Muhammad Ali. It’s an honor to get in the ring with you, but I’m going to take your throne, brother."
Countdown Begins for Tyson’s Return to the Ring
At 58 years old, Tyson is 31 years older than his opponent, but the boxing legend is not deterred. He has already posted the countdown on his social networks for the fight, which will take place on November 15 on Netflix.
Paul Talks Future of Boxing
In a pre-fight interview with Tyson, Paul expressed his admiration for the boxing legend but also emphasized that the sport is now his. "Myke, I love you, but this sport is mine now," Paul said. The young boxer is confident and has no doubt that he will take the throne from one of the greatest in history.
Paul Confident of a Historic Fight
Jake Paul has remained active on social media and is not afraid to say that the fight against Tyson on November 15 will be the biggest event in the history of combat sports in the 21st century.