Is this the largest potato in the world?

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Have you ever thought that one day you are walking and suddenly your foot hits something very heavy and when you look at that object, it is a giant potato. Not with you, but with the New Zealand couple.

According to US media outlet National Public Radio (NPR), Colin and Donna Craig, based in New Zealand, were cleaning their garden when Colin’s feet suddenly hit something under the ground.

New Zealand Huge Potato

When the two of them started digging the place to get the object out of the ground, they saw a strange shaped object which they took out and scratched the surface with the help of a fork. Taste it As soon as they tasted this thing coming out of the ground, they knew it was a potato.

New Zealand Huge Potato

Donna Craig said she couldn’t believe it was so big and so weird. According to the Kiwi couple, this potato weighs 7 kg 900 grams, which is equivalent to a small dog and it may be the largest potato in the world.New Zealand Huge Potato

On the other hand, according to the Associated Press, after the discovery of potatoes on August 30, the couple’s small potato farm became popular. They named the potato Potato Dog. Colin and Donna Craig, based in New Zealand, have also built a small cart to move potatoes from one place to another, and they take it out with them, which people enjoy.

It should be noted that before this, the Guinness World Record for the largest potato in the world was held by the United Kingdom. This record was recorded in the year 2011. Potatoes found in the UK weighed 5 kg. The New Zealand couple says they too have filed for Guinness World Records for Doug and are awaiting their response.

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New Zealand Huge Potato

Regarding the safety of potatoes, he said that they take the potatoes out with them, due to which they are losing their weight as well as drying, while mold has also started appearing in them. They keep it in the freezer after cleaning so it doesn’t spoil.


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