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Inflation Wave: People in the UK are forced to give up one-time meals

Inflation Wave: People in the UK are forced to give up one-time meals

LONDON (Reuters) – The Corona epidemic, followed by the Russia-Ukraine war, has swept across the globe, breaking new inflation records every month in a rich and developed country like Britain.

According to the details, the ongoing global inflationary wave has raised the voices of every special and common people, and the governments and people of all the countries seem to be disturbed by this wave of inflation, and the people are facing severe difficulties in meeting their expenses. Faced with this, even in the UK, citizens are avoiding one meal a day to cover their expenses.

According to the British media, the British Bureau of Statistics has released the data for the month of April in the country, according to which the inflation rate has reached 9% in April, which is the highest in 40 years.

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The main reasons for rising inflation in the country are rising prices of electricity, gas and other fuels. In April, energy prices rose by 54% and motor fuel prices by 31.4%.

According to the report, the average household’s electricity and gas bills have risen by پا 700 a year in the past month, while food prices have also risen. According to the UK’s National Bureau of Statistics, the return on value-added tax to 20 per cent since April has pushed up prices in restaurants.

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