India’s new parliament building at a cost of Rs. 1250 crores

The country’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi inaugurated the new Parliament building of India, ignoring the protest and boycott of the opposition. He inaugurated this building through puja and home-yajna. However, even after the inauguration, there is a debate going on in the country. The opposition RJD has compared the new parliament building to a coffin.

On the other hand, 19 opposition parties including Congress, Left, Trinamool Congress, Aam Aadmi Party have called for a boycott to protest against not inviting the President to the event.

At the inauguration ceremony, Modi said that a new parliament was needed. The number of parliaments will increase in the future. We have to take care of that too. For this reason, we have to create a parliament now.

The new Parliament building has been built next to the existing Parliament building. 888 MPs can sit in the Lok Sabha and 300 in the Rajya Sabha in the new building. Prime Minister Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the new Parliament Building on December 10, 2020. The new parliament building of India, built over an area of ​​64,500 square meters, has four floors. 1250 crore rupees have been spent on the construction of this new parliament building. 26 thousand 45 metric tons of steel, 63 thousand 807 metric tons of cement have been used in its construction. Considering future natural disasters, special arrangements have been made to prevent earthquakes in the new parliament building. Teak wood was brought from Nagpur, sandstone was brought from Rajasthan for the construction of the new Parliament building.

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