Igea Rebukes Opposition, Spares Mañueco Over COVID-19 Status

Former Vice President of the Junta of Castilla y León and Member of the Mixed Group, Francisco Igea, addressed the opposition groups, inviting them to reflect and think about the future they want for Castilla y León.

In his intervention at the debate on general policy, Igea stated that he was not addressing the opposition because they are “asymptomatic” and do not agree with the current state of things. He emphasized the need to conserve the natural heritage, patrimonial, and talent from universities, and to build a multiracial community to stop depopulation. He also criticized the lack of transparency and ethics in the PP-Cs coalition government and expressed his regret over the silence of the PP before the speech of its spokesperson in Villaquilambre against the arrival of immigrants.

Igea announced that he will not run again and will consider his time in politics as “good,” although he will continue discussing public life. He also criticized Juan García-Gallardo, Vice President, for his message, which he described as not addressing the problem of depopulation.

Juan Fernández Mañueco, President of the Cortes, responded to Igea’s criticism, stating that the politician who is next to him has said that it’s his turn to leave politics “goose by goose and bird by bird.” Igea placed 33rd on the European list of the new Spanish Left party.

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