“If you don’t like history, make it up,” is the provocative suggestion of Daniel G. Andújar, an essential voice as art is invaded, tortured and expanded like never before in the stormy ocean of artificial intelligence.
Andújar is not afraid, not afraid at all. And he comes with a suggestion: “Let’s not be satisfied with what artificial intelligence, the sweets that big corporations give us, allows us.” We have to hack it to make art. Critical art, critical design, we must force the machine into unknown territories. Censorship exists in brutal ways and we have to work around it.”
Andújar adds an illustrative example: “The critical eye must recognize that the image of the Pope with a feather cloak or the creation of In the middle of the journey after a promptThey are not works of art. We have to go beyond the limits to create something.”
Who is this crazy person who incites hacking and lying?
Daniel García Andújar is first vice president of the AAVC. One of the main representatives of net art. Historical member of irational.org (international reference for art on the Internet), founder of Technologies for people and head of numerous internet projects such as art.net.dortmund, e-barcelona.org or e-valencia.org.
“If we had called it a wrench instead of intelligence, we would just think of it as a tool,” Andújar says.
A workshop at the ROS Film Festival
Daniel G. Andújar gave a workshop at the MACA-Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Alicante as part of the ROS Film Festival.
![“If you don’t like the story, make it up,” Daniel G. Andújar in the artificial intelligence workshop for the ROS Film Festival The workshop was entitled “Artistic Practice in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”. From Eusebio Sempere to today'Eusebio Sempere was a pioneer of his time, an artist who entered the world of computation and programming to bring his artistic visions to life.](https://quo.eldiario.es/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/DaniTallerok-1024x683.jpg)
Daniel G. Andújar during the workshop entitled “Artistic Practice in the Age of Artificial Intelligence”. From Eusebio Sempere to today” Eusebio Sempere (pictured) was a pioneer of his time, an artist who entered the world of computation and programming to bring his artistic visions to life.
In his workshop, Daniel G. Andújar addressed the fact that all artificial intelligence tools are the property of multinational corporations and the creator must hack them, going beyond the veto that large corporations impose on their use, so that they are truly tools. possible for art and free.
“When we started doing net art, we always used open source software, i.e. free software. Now some companies have the “brains” and are gradually releasing the applications they allow us to use, full of restrictions, vetoes and censorship.”
Andújar protests against the existing inequalities in the art world. “Who has access to these tools and who decides how they are used?”
The highlight of the workshop, however, is the approach to the giant open window that represents artificial intelligence for creation. “Lying” is necessary in art.
Old fake news 2023
García Andújar showed his series to the students Old fake news, which was exhibited at the Gallery Àngels Barcelona. These are fake documentary photos with feminist revolutionaries that did not exist. These are pictures and biographies of individual leaders with first and last names that place them at the forefront of the revolt.
The interesting thing is that Andújar did not invent them, or not completely.
“After training an artificial intelligence for a year, I realized that I needed to make up for the huge lack of female protagonists in the story. And he started inventing them. She learned about every revolt and in each of them a female leader was invented,” Andújar explains.
![“If you don’t like the story, make it up,” Daniel G. Andújar in the artificial intelligence workshop for the ROS Film Festival Image of a female leader of the Rebomboris del pa (in Catalan it means “bread revolts”) were popular uprisings that took place in Barcelona in 1789 and were caused by the rise in bread prices due to poor harvests.](https://quo.eldiario.es/wp-content/uploads/2023/11/revolucion-pan-Barcelona.jpg)
Image of a female leader of the Rebomboris del pa (in Catalan it means “bread revolts”), a popular revolt that took place in Barcelona in 1789 and was caused by the rise in bread prices due to poor harvests.
And there they are, women with their own names and great pictures to illustrate their heroic deeds. Women who could have been there because the unrest is real.
All documentation is in the cloud. It will be part of the information that feeds the artificial intelligence of the present and future. One day they will no longer be distinguishable from reality for someone, perhaps for many.
“We will enter a phase in which the boundaries between reality and fiction will blur. This is and has always been the territory of art,” says Andújar.