Bollywood actor Suniel Shetty will be seen playing the role of ACP policeman Vikram Sinha in the upcoming web series ‘Hunter – Tootega Nahi Todega’ starring Esha Deol, Rahul Dev, Barkha Bisht, Mihir Ahuja, Tina Singh, Chahat Tejwani, Karanvir Sharma , Siddharth There is also Kher, Gargi Sawant and Pawan Chopra. It was because of the action that he was drawn to the role in the web series and said ‘yes’.
Known for his action roles, the actor spoke about his upcoming web series and the type of character he will play in it, saying, “Action as a genre is something I’ve always been passionate about. And ‘Hunter Tootega Nahi Todega’ is helping me revive that passion.
The 61-year-old actor made his Bollywood debut in 1992 at the age of 31 with ‘Balwaan’ and went on to appear in movies like ‘Waqt Hamara Hai’, ‘Pehchan’, ‘Dilwale’, ‘Anth’, ‘Mohra’, ‘Gopi Kishan’, ‘Hum Hai Bemisal’, ‘Suraksha’, ‘Raghuveer’, ‘Takkar’, ‘Krishna’, ‘Saput’, ‘Rakshak’, ‘Border’ became part of many movies.
Action is often Sunil’s favorite and he likes to play such roles that’s why he agreed to be a part of this project and play the role of ACP Vikram Sinha. Giving information about his character, he says – again. This is a project that has truly been a team effort. I became attached to the character of ACP Vikram Sinha from the very beginning. He is the ‘One Man Army’ we have often heard of.
The 8-part episodic series is produced by Yoodlee Films, the film division of Saregama India Limited and directed by Prince Dhiman and Alok Batra. It will premiere on Amazon Mini TV starting March 22.
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