Hugo Ibarra: "The relationship with the Boca squad is perfect"

The technical director of Boca Juniors, Hugo Ibarradenied that he has any kind of inconvenience with members of his staff and considered that heThe relationship is “perfect, I’m very good with them”in the preview of the match against Olimpo de Bahía Blanca, which will be played on Saturday in Chaco, for the 32nd final of the Argentine Cup.

In a surprise press conference and before only two media, after the practice carried out on the Casa Amarilla property, Ibarra said that he is very well with the players and that he has “a tremendous round trip” with the squad.

Regarding his continuity as Boca coach, which was said to depend game by game, he said that “they will have to ask the people who gave them that information. I think and I always thought game by game, doing the best job as a team, and then thinking about what is to come, that was my way of thinking. Hopefully we can do well“In the same vein he responded when asked about his future in case Boca is eliminated against Olimpo:” It’s a football game. We are going 100% with the idea of ​​doing our best and winning the game. After what can happen, I can’t think about more than the 90 minutes of the weekend.”

Ibarra confirmed the team that will play against Olimpo, next Saturday at the Centenario de Resistencia stadium, in Chaco. will go with JAvier Garcia; Weigandt, Roncaglia, Valentini and Sandez; Medina, Varela, Ramirez and Payero; Merentiel and Benedetto. The idea is to give minutes to some players who have played little in recent games.

Regarding the two consecutive defeats, against Banfield and Instituto, Ibarra pointed out that: “When Boca loses, it transcends much more. You have to be calm and calm. We know that we have to improve day by day. NEITHER when we win we are the best nor when we lose the worst. It’s up to me to work every day to improve the team.”

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The technical director also referred to last Monday’s talk with the players, after Sunday’s defeat at La Bombonera against Instituto by 3-2. He said that “there was general criticism and self-criticism from the group to move forward with this situation. It’s just that. It was a normal talk, we always have it with the group, it was no different. We talk about football and trying to reverse this situation of two consecutive defeats. We have the chance on Saturday against Olimpo” added Ibarra.

Some versions reported that the meeting between the coaching staff and the squad on Monday afternoon at the Ezeiza premises had lasted about ten minutes and had been a monologue by Ibarra, in which the players listened in silence. “At no time did I say that I was going to give them off on Monday. The first thing was to train, and we decided to go in the afternoon for a matter of rest. What I talked about with the players will remain indoors. It will always be that way and face to face.”the Boquense technician firmly maintained.

Finally, and with an annoyed tone, he responded to Sebastián Battaglia, the former coach from Boca and his teammate in Carlos Bianchi’s time as coach, who said that he did not know “if Ibarra wanted to lead and that he had to find an identity as a coach “I love Sebastián and appreciate him very much. He is an idol of the club. We share many beautiful things. Always in the place that I was, I supported, always. I never spoke of a coach. Never. Always supporting. He should also be grateful,” Ibarra said.

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