How to switch to Google DNS on Windows and macOS

Google DNS will make your web experience faster and more secure. It’s free and simple to set up, just follow our instructions.

At the end of this article you will know what a DNS is for, what its advantages and disadvantages are and how to use this tool on your Windows or Mac computer. After these changes, your IP will change and it will no longer be Portuguese.

Change Google DNS in Windows

1. Start Menu, then Settings (the gear symbol).

change google dns

2. Select the option Network and Internetand then you need to choose Change adapter options.

3. In the new window, select the network card in use with the right mouse button.

4. Click Properties (Windows may ask for the administrator password).

change google dns

5. In IP protocol version 4 (TCP / IPv4), click on Properties.

6. active the Use the following DNS server addresses option.

change google dns

7. Enter the following addresses: Primary8.8.8.8 | Secondary8.8.4.4

8. Confirm the changes and you can close the windows.

Change Google DNS on macOS

1. Open the Apple menu (the Apple icon).

2. Click System Preferences, then click Network.

change google dns

3. Open and select your active network / network card.

change google dns

4. On the button Advancedand go to the tab DNS.

5. Delete the addresses in the table on the left and find the button (+), to add new addresses.

change google dns

6. Enter the following addresses: Primary8.8.8.8 | Secondary8.8.4.4

7. Confirm your changes and you can close all windows.

What is a DNS for?

Any website is on a server identified by an IP address. To access data on the server, users should know the IP address. However, it is easier to memorize a name than one or more IP addresses.

DNS does just that, it translates the domain name into an IP address. When visiting a page by name (eg. in your browser, the request is sent to the DNS server which, in turn, decodes the server’s IP address. After communication, the web page you are looking for is displayed.

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You can confirm the performance and classification of DNS services: DNSperf

Advantages and disadvantages of using Google DNS

Google’s DNS service is another of the many free ones. As an advantage, Google’s DNS has a powerful infrastructure that supports the Google service that we know. It’s super fast and stable and includes deployment methods that speed up the address lookup, as well as protection against attacks. DDoS.

Is good faster! As it is directly linked to the Google search engine, it manages to have a lot of information such as IP addresses, domain names and connections. All of these queries are cached to speed up our search process.

As a disadvantage, Google’s DNS no offers the possibility to add some additional filters, to block adult content and protection against phishing attacks.

Google Public DNS

free alternatives


dns alternatives

OpenDNS is one of the most popular DNS servers, it is not only fast but also provides higher security for all users. It also includes parental controls to block adult content sites.

In addition, OpenDNS protects us against identity theft and allows customizable filters. By default, OpenDNS is configured to block adult content. You can even remove or completely configure the filter stringency and the type of site to be blocked directly from the OpenDNS dashboard.

Like Google’s public DNS, OpenDNS also protects against phishing attacks, malicious websites, cache attacks, etc.

To use this DNS: Primary – 208.67.2222.222 | Secondary –

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