Ram Gopal Varma has launched many new faces in the film industry. This time we also bring a ‘girl’, who has been told how to find them. Don’t be surprised by ‘Girl’… that’s the title of the movie and the one they found is Pooja Bhalekar. Ram Gopal Varma is currently in discussion about his movie ‘Ladki: Enter the Dragon Girl’ and about Pooja Bhalekar who will debut with this movie. Everyone is also curious to know.
This Ram Gopal Varma movie is based on martial arts. When he thought of making a film on this subject, he wanted to put a woman at the center of his story. In such a situation, he was looking for a girl who is proficient in acting and martial arts and his search ended with Pooja Bhalekar.
According to a TOI report, speaking of signing Pooja Bhalekar, Ram Gopal Varma said: “Someone had suggested her name and so I decided to meet her. She came with her father on the first day. I was quite impressed to see her demo. She is so obsessed with Bruce He reads like me I wanted to shoot action sequences where the actors could do stunts on their own and were martial arts experts.
Ram Gopal Varma further said that Pooja has been practicing martial arts since the age of 12. According to him, Pooja’s physique shows his character and he looks perfect on screen. He even said that Pooja has the most perfect body, he has seen it for the first time and also has the power to fight. These things seemed completely different to Ramu. He found a combination of power and sensuality in Pooja, and that ended his search for a ‘girl’.
Since Pooja (Pooja Bhalekar) comes from a conservative family, Ram Gopal Varma took the time to convince her. Pooja will also be seen fighting men on the beach in a bikini. Ram Gopal Varma has introduced Pooja through a press conference. Her film ‘Ladki’ (Ladki: Enter The Girl Dragon) will open in 40 thousand theaters in China as well as India.
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