Telugu movie superstar Mahesh Babu is busy these days promoting his upcoming film Sarkaru Vaari Paata. Her film will be released tomorrow, that is, May 12, but even earlier, Mahesh Babu has entered into discussion about one of her statements. Mahesh Babu said recently that I get a lot of offers for Hindi movies, but I don’t think he can offer me. After this statement, questions arise about how much Mahesh Babu charges for a film that Bollywood will not be able to pay him.
First know what Mahesh Babu had said?
Mahesh Babu said, “I get a lot of offers from Hindi, but I don’t think I can be rewarded. I don’t want to waste my time working in an industry that can’t pay me. I’m here (in the south).) The stardom and respect I have is huge. That’s why I never decided to leave my industry and move to another industry. I’ve always thought about making movies and being bigger. My dream is coming true. I’m more than that. I couldn’t be happier.” During this he said that I am happy to work on Tollywood movies.
According to media reports, Mahesh Babu usually earns Rs 55 million from any movie. It is also stated in the report that he has raised his fees and now charges around Rs 80 million for a movie. Let us tell you that according to media reports, Akshay Kumar and Salman Khan are among the highest paid stars in Bollywood. A report has claimed that Akshay has been paid Rs 135 crore for the upcoming Cinderella movie. Apart from this, it has been said about Salman that he was given Rs 135 crore as acting fee for Tiger Zinda Hai.